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2020 Senior Rep | Anna


Apr 22, 2019

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senior girl close up


2020 Senior Rep Anna

Meet Anna!  Anna was the very first senior to apply to be a 2020 Senior Rep.    I was so excited when I saw her application show up in my inbox!  Anna comes from THE sweetest family! I was lucky to have both of her older sisters as senior reps, so knew a bit of what the experience would be like.  In fact, on her senior rep application she share she wanted to be a senior rep because “ think it would be a great experience for my senior year, also both of my sisters… loved it!”  I have gotten to meet Anna  a few times over the past years, at family shoots.  I am so thankful that this year I will have the opportunity to really get to know her, what she enjoys, what’s important to her.


Hard working and easy going…

As I’ve  interacted with Anna one-on-one,  I’ve noticed most are she’s incredibly easy going and a very hard worker!   She’s working to earn her CNA (certified nurses aide) license through a program at neighboring school system.  This program requires so much work mastering classroom  material and  completing approximately 75 hours of hands-on volunteer training.  Then CNA candidates are required to sit for a test that usually involves a written and demonstration of skills portion.


Making a Difference

When she’s not studying or working on her CNA hours, Anna helps out a lot at her church.  She is involved with helping with the children’s programming as well as being active in the high school youth group.  She’s also involved in a Bible study with her soccer team to further the relationships with those girls.  Anna is making a such a difference in the lives of others and won an award through the Eric Wedge Foundation for her leadership both in school and on her sports teams.


Dream Photo Shoot

Anna’s dream photo shoot would involve   “Just having fun and capturing who I really am!”   Anna shared,  “I am really excited about my senior year and hopes it’s a great one!  Anna thank you so much for letting me be a small part of your senior year!  I am so excited you are part of the senior rep team!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from her senior rep session.


senior girl in letter jacket urban shoot senior girl in letter jacket urban shoot senior girl urban shoot

I love this!  That stance seems to be just so Anna…

senior girl on bench with brick wall background senior girl on bench with brick wall background

So beautiful!  Yet unless I said do a serious model face I think she was always smiling….

senior girl in front of brick wall Senior girl urban shot senior girl downtown at sunsetsenior girl near metal building senior girl downtown at sunset senior girl downtown at sunsetsenior girl close up


To learn more about the Simply Seeking Photography experience follow this link: Senior Experience


Are you a bride-to-be?  Check out the Simply Seeking Photography Wedding Experience Wedding Experience


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