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American Soldier Senior Session

Senior photography, Senior Pictures, Thankful Thursday

Nov 27, 2019

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American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography


American Soldier Senior Session

It was such an honor to capture this American soldier senior session with Kaiden and his parents.  While most teens spend the summer before their senior year, working, hanging out with their friends and having lots of fun; Kaiden spent the summer before his senior year becoming an American soldier.  I am so proud of this young man and his choice to serve our country!  I can’t imagine how proud his parents must be!


Basic Training

After completing his junior year of high school Kaiden headed off to basic training 700 miles from home.  He spent the entire summer and the start of his senior year away from his friends and family to complete his Basic Training.  Kaiden didn’t just complete Basic Training, he excelled!.  He was one of sixteen in a Company of 223 to be recognized for “Outstanding Achievement” !  Wow!    This exceptional young man turned 18 just a day before he graduated from basic training.  What an amazing double celebration and homecoming for he and his family!

I’ve known of Kaiden for years, and it was a blessing to get to know him a bit better as we spend time capturing his senior pictures.  While I don’t know him well enough to say for sure.  I think his time at Basic Training gave him even greater confidence and a sense of steadfastness.  He’s just such a great young man!


Cross Country

We started his senior session  highlighting  Kaiden’s cross country career.  The day was cold, windy and rainy!   It truly was miserable, and Kaiden’s starting his session in shorts and a tank top!  We made the best of it and captured as much as we could, before the rain intensified.



After some time in town we headed to a nature location where we captured some of Kaiden’s love for his country and service.  A special thanks to his mom for talking with the police chief to make sure we were permitted to take these shots including fire arms.  They were not loaded, Kaiden made sure to show me before we started.  I loved their ideas of flying the flag from his hunting rifle.  I love the movement the wind gave the flag in some of these shots!


Bluffton Armory

Kaiden spoke with the Sergeant at the Bluffton Armory to obtain permission to take pictures on their ground and the military tank. The Armory and tank  held some nostalgia for me; my dad worked at the Armory and I played on the tanks there during many snow days at work with him when I was a kid.   The tanks shots were completely Kaiden’s idea and I love the way they turned out!  He got some shouts, whistles and appreciation for his service during this set!   He was awesome!

Before we headed to our next location we checked the weather and decided to call it a day, and everyone went home to warm up!


On Location

It took a few weeks for our schedules to match up again, but when they did Kaiden had a beautiful day to wrap up his senior pictures.  A HUGE thank you to his dad for making these happen!  What a fun location!!!  We captured sun-filled images of Kaiden with the American flag, in his uniform and some of him just being himself.

Thank you so much Kaiden and family for giving me the honor of capturing your senior pictures.  This was such a fun and meaningful session to photograph.

Although this isn’t Thursday, I thought Thanksgiving week is the perfect time to post about thankfulness for Kaiden and all those willing to serve to protect our country and our freedoms.  Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Sit back and enjoy a few of my favorites!


American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking PhotographyAmerican solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography American solider senior session photo by Simply Seeking Photography






To learn more about the Simply Seeking Photography experience follow this link: Senior Experience 


Are you a bride-to-be?  Check out the Simply Seeking Photography Wedding Experience Wedding Experience

To learn more about service opportunities with the Indiana National Guard | Indiana National Guard

Thank you to the  | Bluffton Police Department

Thank you to the Bluffton Armory



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