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Cap and Gown Mini Sessions

Senior photography, Senior Pictures, Seniors

Mar 8, 2020

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Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography


Cap and Gown Mini Sessions

Soon the big day will be here!  The day you ‘ve worked hard toward for 13 years!  High School graduation!  It’s such an exciting right of passage!  You’ll want  to capture the culmination of all that hard work wearing your cap and gown!

Just imagine… graduation day arrives and you can’t wait to capture your graduate in all their formal attire. You get to the ceremony and it’s full of people! Even with floor seats reserved for parents it’s often hard to capture a good angle. And if your seats near the back like ours was, getting a good shot of the stage, is even more difficult! From a distance they all look alike in their cap and gowns!

That’s why this year I’m so excited to offer  cap and gown mini sessions! You can capture a bit of your personality in high quality  graduation photos without the stress, hustle and obstacles of graduation day.

Session will be offered on school grounds between the last day of school and graduation.  This will insure the graduates will have their own cap and gown  with any awards/cords/medallions for the pictures.

A few of my senior reps graciously agreed to wear my son’s cap and gown to help me out and give you an idea of just what your cap and gown photos could look like!

Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography

Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography

The photos below were not at Norwell, but still reflect a cap and gown session.  Longer cap and gown sessions are also available at the location of your choice.  These could be individual cap and gown sessions or gather a group of friends to get group and individual shots.

Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography


Confetti shots are always fun!  Shots including confetti are available for mini sessions or longer cap and gown sessions.


Cap and Gown Mini Sessions photos by Simply Seeking Photography


Click here for all the details!

Cap & Gown Mini Session info.


Congratulations to all the seniors graduating this spring!  Enjoy this time, you’ve earned it!




To learn more about the Simply Seeking Photography experience follow this link: Senior Experience 


Are you a bride-to-be?  Check out the Simply Seeking Photography Wedding Experience Wedding Experience


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